Best Way to Spend $2

The best way to spend $2 is to go to McDonald’s, not to go to the stupid double dollar dance at Santa Barbara High School.  Well I mean I wouldn’t actually know because the people wouldn’t even let my friends and I in, which was retarded.  They didn’t even let the ASB president in who had helped set up and come up with the idea of having it.  After waiting around for a little we decided that it was stupid and we were just going to go home, on the way home, my friends Jackie, Dane, Lexi, and I got the great idea of going to McDonald’s.  Were ended up getting fries and McFlurry’s and even a free one too because the cash register man loved us and wanted to date each one.  He was actually a very funny man and we should go back to say hi.  Comment your favorite things to get at McDonald’s when you turn to the bad side and go there.


Gio, Michael, and Ben

The other I went to Giovanni’s with my brother, Michael, and my dad, Ben, to pick up dinner one night this week because my mom was gone and my dad didn’t have time to make dinner.  I was totally alright with this and so was the rest of my family because we all love Giovanni’s.  The pizza crust and ranch is my  favorite combination.  When at Gio’s you cannot forget about the meatball sub which is also very good but its perfect for lunch not so much dinner. If you go here and you do not get the soft serve, that is really sad for you.  The swirl soft serve is perfect for a hot day.  They used to serve you huge portions but now they are a little smaller.  Although they are smaller now, they are still way to big for my little brother Michael.  He almost dropped the whole soft serve off of the cone into my car, I probably would have cried.

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Mad Lunch

If you are not in the Mad Academy at Santa Barbara High School, I feel really bad for you.  Mad has so much to offer, including the lunches!  I believe it is every second Wednesday of the month and each time it is some sort of delicious foods that the parents make and bring in.  My favorite lunch was probably the different soups and the cornbread, because I love the soup that my mom brought in and corn bread is my weakness… Well actually now that im thinking about it, maybe the Mac n Cheese lunch was my favorite.  That week my plate was piled to the very top and it was stacked with all different kinds.  Of course I finished my whole plate and for dessert that day I had a doughnut.  This weeks lunch was burritos, not my favorite because there wasnt much variety and it was just beans, cheese, chicken, and rice.  I was a little disappointed about that… but the dessert completely made up for it.  There was a whole ice cream sunday set up!  I had so much ice cream, with chocolate and Carmel cause, crushed Oreos, crushed butterfingers, crushed every single candy bar you can think of, M&M’s, gummy bears, and whipped cream.  I didn’t have the whipped cream though, because it is not my favorite.  Check out the Mad Academy website here!

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Girl Scout Cookies

I believe everyone can agree with me that this is the best time of the year, girl scout cookies season.  These cookies are amazing and its a good thing they are not sold all year round because I would be huge.  I probably have about one whole box a day.  My favorite flavors are Samoas (carmel deLites)Tagalongs (peanut butter patties)Trefoil (shortbread), and of course, my all time fave, Thin Mints.  The best thing is when you put thin mints in the freezer and they are perfectly frozen when you eat them.  My dad doesn’t really like desserts, or at least he pretends he doesn’t until everyone is sleeping and then he eats desserts.  This weekend he ate three whole boxes of frozen mints and I was pissed.  He basically just wastes them because he doesn’t even eat them, he just inhales them.  It was a very sad day when I found out all of them were gone.  Comment your favorite type of girl scout cookie!

my secret stash of thin mints from the freezer

my secret stash of thin mints from the freezer

Go try the Cookiewich!

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Saturday night, I went out to dinner at Hollister Brewing Company in Goleta which I will be writing a post about tomorrow, be sure to check in because it is a great place and im sure you’ll love it.  After our dinner we went into I.V. and went to I.V. Drip for the first time.  I would describe it as a dessert place I guess?  Not really a bakery because it has ice cream too, so it’s a little confusing.  The most popular item at this place is called the cookiewich, which is two of the homemade cookies of your choice with ice cream,of your choice, in the middle.  The cookiewich is only $3.50 and it is most definitely worth it.  Along with the cookiewich, they sell crazy kinds of brownies and delicious coffee too!  It is in a I.V. so if you go at night it could get a little crazy with college kids from UCSB but if you go before 8 or 9 you will be set.  The one on the top is my moms, she got a red velvet cookie and a snicker doodle cookie with espresso ice cream in the middle.  The one on the in the middle is mine, I got a snicker doodle cookie and a chocolate chip cookie with espresso ice cream as well.  The bottom picture is all the brownies and the valentine’s day cookies.  I highly recommend you to go try out the famous cookie-wich and tell me how you like it!

Frozen Mangos as Dessert?

When you think of dessert, you automatically think of sugar and sweet things, well at least I do.  At my school that i went to for 7th and 8th grade, when we had hot lunch, we always had frozen mangos for dessert.  At first I thought this was a little weird but after the first week I realized it is actually a really good idea.  Instead of having a cookie you can have frozen mangos.  One benefit of having mangos instead of a cookie, is you can eat more of them instead of just a few bites.  Another benefit is that mangos fruit pulp is high in prebiotic dietary fiber, vitamin C, diverse polyphenols and provitamin A carotenoids.  Other then the mangos being good for you and a healthy option, you will feel better after your done eating.  If you don’t like mangos, well one, I feel bad for you because I love them, and two, you can eat other frozen fruit instead of cookies and it will have very similar benefits.

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