Mad Lunch

If you are not in the Mad Academy at Santa Barbara High School, I feel really bad for you.  Mad has so much to offer, including the lunches!  I believe it is every second Wednesday of the month and each time it is some sort of delicious foods that the parents make and bring in.  My favorite lunch was probably the different soups and the cornbread, because I love the soup that my mom brought in and corn bread is my weakness… Well actually now that im thinking about it, maybe the Mac n Cheese lunch was my favorite.  That week my plate was piled to the very top and it was stacked with all different kinds.  Of course I finished my whole plate and for dessert that day I had a doughnut.  This weeks lunch was burritos, not my favorite because there wasnt much variety and it was just beans, cheese, chicken, and rice.  I was a little disappointed about that… but the dessert completely made up for it.  There was a whole ice cream sunday set up!  I had so much ice cream, with chocolate and Carmel cause, crushed Oreos, crushed butterfingers, crushed every single candy bar you can think of, M&M’s, gummy bears, and whipped cream.  I didn’t have the whipped cream though, because it is not my favorite.  Check out the Mad Academy website here!

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Saturday Morning Pancakes

One of the best feelings is waking up on Saturday morning in your own bed on your own time.  It is even better when you open your door and smell something your mom is making downstairs so you walk downstairs to find some homemade pancakes.  My mom has just mastered pancakes and found the best recipe.  Unfortunately I do not have the recipe right now, but if you want it, comment and I will find it for you.  These pancakes are the perfect kind that you would find at a restaurant.  The are the right amount of fluffiness and they taste so good!  My little brother likes to eat them with just whipped cream… but I like them with syrup.  Sometimes my mom even will mix melted butter into the syrup and that is probably my favorite thing to put on them.  I also like putting strawberries on them if we have them.  Comment below what you like on your pancakes!

